时间:2012-01-01 点击:
H. Wang
, T.-J. Chin,and D. Suter.
Simultaneously Fitting and Segmenting Multiple-Structure Data with Outliers
. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), accepted in Sept., 2011.(
) (Partial data and ground truth are available:
C. Shen, P. Wang, F. Shen,
H. Wang*
UBoost: Boosting with the Universum
. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), accepted in Oct., 2011.(
H. Wang*
, R.H. Taylor, M. Ishii, G.L. Gallia, and G.D. Hager.
A System for Video-based Navigation for Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery
. IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging (TMI), accepted in Nov., 2011.(
T.-J. Chin, D. Suter and
H. Wang
Boosting Histograms of Descriptor Distances for Scalable Multiclass Specific Scene Recognition
. Image and Vision Computing (IVC), Vol 29, No. 4, pages 241-250, March 2011.
Wu Shun-Xiang
, Luo De-Lin, Zhou Zhi-Wen, Cai Jian-Huai, Shi Yeu-Xiang.
A kind of BP neural network algorithm based on grey interval
. International Journal of Systems Science (Int J Syst Sci), 2011, 42(3):389-396.
Qiaoqi Luo, Yahui Gao, Jinfei Luo, Changping Chen, Junrong Liang,
Chenhui Yang
Automatic identification of diatoms with circular shape using texture analysis
. Journal of Software 2011 v 6, n 3, p 428-435
Xie, J., L. Zhang,
J. Li
, H. Wang, and L. Yang, 2011.
Automatic simplification and visualization of 3D urban building models
. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, accepted (Elsevier: JCR3).
Guan, X.,
Li, J.
and Booty, W., 2011.
Monitoring Lake Simcoe water quality using Landsat-5 TM images
. Water Resources Management, 25(8): 2015-2033(Springer, JCR3).
Kuang, G.,
Li, J.
and He, Z. 2011.
Detecting water bodies in RADARSAT imagery
. GEOMATICA, 65(1): 303-311 (CIG: EI).
Wang, M., Hu, F. and
Li, J.
Epipolar resampling of linear pushbroom satellite imagery by a new epipolarity model
. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66(3):347-355 (Elsevier: JCR2).
Yan, H.,
Li, J.
and Wen, H., 2011.
A key points-based blind watermarking approach for vector geo-spatial data
. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35(6): 485-492 (Elsevier, JCR3)
Chang, L., He, X. and
Li, J.
, 2011.
A wavelet domain detail compensation filtering technique for InSAR interferogram
. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(23): 7985-7995 (Taylor & Francis: JCR3)
Zhang, X., Zhao, J., Sun, Q., Wang, X., Guo, Y., and
Li, J.
Soil moisture retrieval from AMSR-E data in Xinjiang (China): models and validation
. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 4(1): 117-127.
Yang, L., Zhang, L., Ma, J., Kang, Z., Zhang, L.X. and
Li, J
. 2011.
Efficient simplification and view-dependent rendering of large vector maps on 3D landscapes
. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 31(2): 14-23 (IEEE: JCR3/EI).
Wu yin,
Wei Pan
Multi-class Scene Recognition based on Codal Module and Neural Network
. International Conference on Communication Software and Networks.
Si Cheng,
Wei Pan
The moving palm segmentation and gesture recognition based on Multi-information
. Conference on Computer Design and Applications, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. May 27-29.
Xuyong Dang,
Wei Pan
Auto-selection Method for Saliency Detection and Its Application to Segment the Object
.3rd International Conference on Computer Design and Applications, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. May 27-29, 2011.
Hao Sun,
Cheng Wang
, Boliang Wang.
Hybrid generative-discriminative human action recognition by combing spatio-temporal words with supervised topic models
. Optical Engineering, 2011, 50(2): 027203.
Hao Sun,
Cheng Wang
, Boliang Wang, Naser El-Sheimy.
Pyramid binary pattern features for real-time pedestrian detection from infrared videos
. Neurocomputing, 2011, 74(5): 797-804.
Hao Sun,
Cheng Wang
, Naser El-Sheimy.
Automatic traffic lane detection for mobile mapping systems
. Proceedings of the ISPRS&IEEE International Worshop on Multi-platform Multi-sensor Remote Sensing and Mapping, Jan. 10-12, 2011.
Hao Sun,
Cheng Wang
, Boliang Wang.
Night vision pedestrian detection using a forward-looking infrared camera
. Proceedings of the ISPRS&IEEE International Worshop on Multi-platform Multi-sensor Remote Sensing and Mapping, Jan. 10-12, 2011.
Lei Yunqi
, Gui Xiaoling and Shi Zhenxiang.
Feature Description and Image Retrieval Based on Visual Attention Model
. Journal of Multimedia, pp.56-65,Vol.6, No.1, February 2011.
Lei Yunqi
, Lai Haibin and Li Qingmin.
Geometric Features of 3D Face and Recognition of It by PCA
. Journal of Multimedia, pp.207-216,Vol.6, No.2, April 2011.
Jun Yu
*, Hock-Soon Seah.
Fuzzy diffusion distance learning for cartoon similarity estimation
. Journal of computer science and technology, 2011, 26(2):203-216. (SCI IF=0.632).
Jun Yu
*, Hock-Soon Seah, Yueting Zhuang.
Cartoon synthesis using constrained spreading activation network
. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2011, 51 (3): 1147-1174. (SCI IF=0.626)
Jun Yu
*, Dacheng Tao, Meng Wang, Jun Cheng.
Semi-automatic cartoon generation by motion planning
. Multimedia Systems Journal, published online. (SCI IF=0.724).
Dongquan Liu, Quan. Chen,
Jun Yu
*, Huiqin Gu, Dacheng Tao and Hock Soon Seah.
Stroke Correspondence Construction Using Manifold Learning
. Computer Graphics Forum, accepted. (SCI IF=1.86).
Jun Yu
, Dongquan Liu, Dacheng Tao, Hock-Soon Seah.
Complex Object Correspondence Construction in 2D Animation
. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Accepted. (SCI IF=3.31).
W.Y. Xiao,
J.S. Zhang
Realistic calligraphy texture-driven modeling of virtual hairy brushes
. Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering 2011, recommended to publish in Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST).
J.S. Zhang
*, G.H. Mao, H.W. Lin, J.H. Yu, C.L. Zhou.
Outline Font Generating from Images of Ancient Chinese Calligraphy
. Transactions on Edutainment,2011.6530(1):122-131.
D.W. Liu,
J.S. Zhang
, C.L. Zhou.
Perceptually-based Stroke Pattern Synthesis
. Proceedings of the 19th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2011), 13-17.
Baochang Zhang, Yongsheng Gao, Sanqiang Zhao,
Bineng Zhong
Kernel Similarity Modeling of Texture Pattern Flow for Motion Detection in Complex Background
. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), 21(1): 29-38 , 2011(SCI).
Rongrong Ji,
Bineng Zhong
, Xiaoshuai Sun, Hongxun Yao, Qi Tian.
Mining Flickr Landmarks by Reconstruction Sparsity Modeling
. ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMCCAP), 2011, accepted (SCI).
Baochang Zhang,
Bineng Zhong
, Yao Cao.
Complex Background Modeling based on Texture Pattern Flow with Adaptive Threshold Propagation
. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 22(6): 516-521, 2011 (SCI).
X. Li, A. Dick,
H. Wang
, C. Shen and A. Hengel.
Graph Mode-based Contextual Kernels for Robust SVM Tracking
. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Barcelona, Spain, pages: to appear, 2011.