
时间:2015-01-01 点击:

  • Yan Y, Shen C, *Wang H, 2014. Efficient semidefinite spectral clustering via Lagrange duality. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23(8):3522-3534 (IEEE: SCI/EI) .
  • Huang Y, Paisley J, Lin Q, *Ding X, Fu X, Zhang X, 2014. Bayesian nonparametric dictionary learning for compressed sensing MRI, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23: 5007-5119 (IEEE: SCI/EI) .
  • Xie Y, Zhang W, Li C, Lin S, Qu Y, Zhang Y, 2014. Discriminative object tracking via sparse representation and online dictionary learning,IEEE Transactions On Cybernectics, 44(4): 539-553 (IEEE: SCI/EI) .
  • Yu J, Rui Y, Chen B, 2014. Exploiting click constraints and multi-view features for image re-ranking. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16(1):159 - 168 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Zhu Q, Yi J, Sheng S, *Wen C, Hu H, 2014. A computer-aided modeling and measurement system for environmental thermal comfort sensing, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2014.2345922 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Guan H, *Li J, Yu Y, Chapman MA, Wang C, 2014. Iterative tensor voting for pavement crack extraction using mobile laser scanning data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2014.2344714 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Yu Y, *Li J, Guan H, Wang C, Yu J, 2014. Semi-automated extraction of street light poles from mobile LiDAR point-clouds, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2014.2338915 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Guan H, *Li J, Chapman MA, Yu Y, Wang C, 2014. Road feature extraction for road traffic safety using mobile laser scanning data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2014.2328589 (IEEE: SCI/EI)
  • Xu, L.,*Li J, Shu Y, Peng J, 2014. SAR image denoising via clustering-based principal component analysis, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(11): 6858-6869 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Yan Y, *Wang H, Suter D, 2014. Multi-subregion based correlation filter bank for robust face recognition, Pattern Recognition 47(11):3487-3501 (SCI/EI) .
  • Zhong B, Yao H, Chen S, Ji R, Chin T, *Wang H, 2014. Visual tracking via weakly supervised learning from multiple imperfect oracles. Pattern Recognition, 47(1):1395–1410 (SCI/EI) .
  • Xie Y, Zhang W, Qu Y, Zhang Y, 2014. Discriminative subspace learning with sparse representation view-based model for robust visual tracking,Pattern Recognition, 47(3):1383-1394 (SCI/EI).
  • Yu Y, *Li J, Guan H, Wang C, 2014. Learning hierarchical features for automated extraction of road markings from 3D mobile LiDAR point clouds, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2347276 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Xu, L.,*Li J, Brenning A, 2014. A comparative study of different classification techniques for marine oil spill identification using RADARSAT-1 images, Remote Sensing of Environment, 141: 14-23 (Elsevier: SCI).
  • Li R, Qin R, *Zhang J, Wu J, Zhou C, 2014. The Aesthetic Preference of Chinese Typefaces - An Event-Related Potential study, Brain Research, doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2014.11.055 (SCI/EI) .
  • Jin T, Yu Z, Li L, Li C, 2014. Multiple graph regularized sparse coding and multiple hypergraph regularized sparse coding for image representation , Neurocomputing DOI:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.11.067 (SCI/EI) .
  • Li J,*Qu Y,Li C, 2014. Learning local Guassian Process regression for image super-resolution. Neurocomputing, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.11.064 (SCI/EI) .
  • Jun W, *Wang H, Yan Y, 2014. Robust visual tracking by metric learning with weighted histogram representations. Neurocomputing, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.11.050 (SCI/EI).
  • Tang J, Yan Y, *Wang H, 2014. Learning Hough regression models via bridge partial least squares for object detection. Neurocomputing, DOI:doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2014.10.071. (SCI/EI).
  • Huang Y, Chen X, Zhang J, Zeng D, Zhang D, *Ding X, 2014. Single-trial ERPs denoising via collaborative filtering on ERPs images, DOI:10.1016/J.NEUCOM.2014.07.043 (SCI/EI) .
  • Zeng K, *Yu J, Li C, Jin T, 2014. Image clustering by hyper-graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization, Neurocomputing, 138:209–217 (SCI/EI) .
  • Yu Y, *Li J, Guan H, Wang C, 2014. Three-dimensional object matching in mobile laser scanning point clouds, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2014.2347347 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Sun Z, *Wang C, Li D, Li J, 2014. Semisupervised classification for hyperspectral imagery with transductive multiple kernel learning, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(11): 1991-1995 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Wang H, *Wang C, Luo H, Li P, Cheng M, Wen C, Li J, 2014. Object detection in terrestrial laser scanning point clouds based on Hough forest, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(10): 1807-1811 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Xu L, *Li J, Wong A, Peng J, 2014. K-P-Means: A clustering algorithm of K "purified" means for hyperspectral endmember estimation, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(10): 1787-1791 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Yu Y, *Li J, Guan H, Wang C, 2014. Automated detection of road manhole and sewer well covers from mobile LiDAR point clouds, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(9): 1549-1553 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Yu Y,*Li J, Yu J, Guan H, Wang C, 2014. Pairwise three-dimensional shape context for partial object matching and retrieval on mobile laser scanning data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(5): 1019-1023 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • *Wen C, Qin L, Zhu Q, Wang C, Li J, 2014. Three-dimensional indoor mobile mapping with fusion of two-dimensional laser scanner and RGB-D camera data, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(4): 843-847 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Xu, L.,*Li J, 2014. Bayesian classification of hyperspectral imagery based on probabilistic sparse representation and Markov random field, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(4): 823-827 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • *Cheng M, Wang C, Li J, 2014. Sparse representation based pansharpening using trained dictionary, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(1): 293-297 (IEEE: SCI/EI).
  • Qu Y,Wu S,Liu H,Xie Y, *Wang H, 2014. Evaluation of local features and classifiers in BOW model for image classification, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 70(2):605-624 (SCI/EI) .
  • Guan H,*Li J,Yu Y, Wang C, Chapman MA, Yang B, 2014. Using mobile laser scanning data for automated extraction of road markings, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 87 (2014) 93–107 (Elsevier: SCI).
  • Guan H, *Li J, Yu Y, Zhong L, Ji Z, 2014. DEM generation from lidar data in wooded mountain areas by crosssection-plane analysis, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(3): 927-948 (Taylor & Francis: SCI).
  • Wei B, Yu J, *Wang C, Li J, 2014. PolSAR image classification using a semi-supervised classifier based on hypergraph learning, Remote Sensing Letters, 5(4):386-395 (Taylor & Francis: SCI).
  • Xu L, *Li J, Wong A, Wang, C, 2014. A kernel PCA texture feature for efficient segmentation of RADARSAT-2 SAR sea ice imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(13): 5053-5072 (Taylor & Francis: SCI).
  • Xie L, *Pan W, Tang C, Hu H, 2014. A pyramidal deep learning architecture for human action recognition. International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, 21(2):139-146 (EI).
  • Wang D, Liu C, 2014. Learning confidence transformation for handwritten Chinese text recognition. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 17(3): 205-219, (SCI/EI).
  • 张东晓,鲁林,*李翠华,金泰松,2014. 基于亚像素位移的超分辨率图像重建算法,自动化学报,40(12):2851-2861 (EI) .
  • 沈媛媛, *严严, 王菡子, 2014. 有监督的距离度量学习算法研究进展. 自动化学报, 40(12): 2673-2686 (EI) .
  • 江晓莲,*李翠华,李雄宗,2014. 基于视觉显著性的两阶段采样突变目标跟踪算法,自动化学报,40(6):1098-1107 (EI) .
  • 黄朝熙,潘伟,陈杰,吴海涛,吴道曦,*徐素霞, 2014. 基于单波束测距声纳的水下机器人避障仿真研究,厦门大学学报(自然科学版),53(4):484-489.
  • 张俊松, 张悠苗, 周昌乐, 2014. 书法临摹过程的交互式动画建模方法,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报. 26(6),963-972 (EI) .