[1]*Wang H, Xiao G, Yan Y, Suter D. 2018. Searching for representative modes on hypergraphs for robust geometric model fitting. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2018.2803173. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR1区)
[2]Xiao G, *Wang H, Yan Y, Suter D. 2018. Superpixel-guided two-view deterministic geometric model fitting. International Journal of Computer Vision, DOI: 10.1007/s11263-018-1100-8. (SCI/EI, JCR1区)
[3]Lai T, *Wang H, Yan Y, Chin T, Zheng J, Li B. 2018. Accelerated guided sampling for multi-structure model fitting. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR1区)
[4]Guo G, *Wang H, Zhao W, Yan Y, Li X. 2018. Object discovery via cohesion measurement. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(3): 862-875. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR1区)
[5]Lin Y, *Wang C, Zai D, Li W, Li J, 2018. Toward better boundary preserved supervoxel segmentation for 3D point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 143, 39-47. (SCI/EI, JCR1区)
[6]Wang C, *Wen C, Hou S, Gong Z, Li Q, Sun X, Li J, 2018. Semantic line framework-based indoor building modeling using backpacked laser scanning point clouds. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 143, 150-166. (SCI/EI, JCR1区)
[7]Guo G, *Wang H, Shen C, Yan Y, Liao M. 2018. Automatic image cropping for visual aesthetic enhancement using deep neural networks and cascaded regression. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 20(8):2073-2085. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[8]Su L, *Li C, Lai Y, Yang J. 2018. A Fast forgery detection algorithm based on exponential-fourier moments for video region duplication. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 20(4):825-840. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[9]Huang Y, Liu Z, Jiang M, Yu X, *Ding X, 2018. Cost-effective vehicle type recognition in surveillance images with deep active learning and web-nature data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi: 10.1109/TITS.2018.2888698. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR 2区)
[10]Wang J, Zheng H, *Huang Y, Ding X, 2018. Vehicle type recognition in surveillance images from labeled web-nature data using deep transfer learning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 19(9): 2913-2922. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR 2区)
[11]Qi Q, Li Y, Wang J, Zheng H, Ding X, *Huang Y, Rohde G. 2018. Label-efficient breast cancer histopathological image classification. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2018.2885134. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR 2区)
[12]Liu C, Huang Y, Ozolek J, Hanna M, Singh R, *Rohde G. 2018. SetSVM: An approach to set classification in nuclei-based cancer detection. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2018.2803793. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR 2区)
[13]Luo H, *Wang, C, Wen C, Chen Z, Yu Y, Li J. 2018. Semantic labeling of mobile LiDAR point clouds via active learning and higher-order MRF. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 56(7), 3631-3644. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[14]Zhong Z, *Li J, Luo Z, Chapman M. 2018. Spectral-spatial residual networks for hyperspectral image classification: a 3D deep learning framework. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 56(2), 847-858. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[15]You C, *Wen C, Wang C, Li J, Habib A. 2018 [online]. Joint 2-D–3-D traffic sign landmark data set for geo-localization using mobile laser scanning data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/TITS.2018. 2868168. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[16]*Zhang Z, Xing F, Wang H, Yan Y, Huang Y, Shi X, Yang L. 2018. Revisiting graph construction for fast image segmentation. Pattern Recognition. 78: 344-357. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[17]Zhuang N, *Yan Y, Chen S, Wang H, Shen C. 2018. Multi-label learning based deep transfer neural network for facial attribute classification. Pattern Recognition. 80:225-240. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[18]Ma L, Li Y, *Li J, Wang C, Wang R, Chapman MA. 2018. Mobile laser scanned point-clouds for road object detection and extraction: A review. Remote Sensing. 10(10), 1531. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[19]*Chen R, Li X, Li J. 2018. Object-based features for house detection from RGB high-resolution images. Remote Sensing. 10(3), 451. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[20]Chen L, Yang D, Zhang D, *Wang C, Li J, T. M. T. Nguyen. 2018. Deep mobile traffic forecast and complementary base station clustering for cloud-RAN optimization. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 121, 59-69. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[21]Yang Z, *Wang C, Zang Y, Li J. 2018. Mini-batch algorithms with Barzilai-Borwein update step. Neurocomputing. 314, 177-185. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[22]*Zhao W, Deng C, Ngo C. 2018. k-means: A revisit. Neurocomputing. 291: 195-206. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[23]Xiao G, Wang X, Luo H, Zheng J, Li B, Yan Y. *Wang H. 2018. Conceptual space based model fitting for multi-structure data. Neurocomputing. 315: 115-127. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[24]Xiao G, *Wang H, Yan Y, Zhang L. 2018. Robust geometric model fitting based on iterative Hypergraph construction and partition. Neurocomputing. DOI: 10.1016/j.neucom.2018.03.085. (SCI/EI, JCR2区)
[25]Gao J, *Guo Y, Lin Z, An W, Li J. 2018. Robust infrared small target detection using multiscale gray and variance difference measures. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(12): 5039 - 5052. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[26]Chen X, *Ye C, Li J, Chapman, M. 2018. Quantifying the carbon storage in urban trees using multispectral ALS data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(9): 3358 - 3365. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[27]Li W, *Wang C, Zai D, Huang P, Liu W, Li J. 2018. A volumetric fusing method for TLS and SFM point clouds. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(9), 3349-3357. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[28]Tan W, *Li J, Xu L, Chapman M. 2018. Semiautomated segmentation of sentinel-1 SAR imagery for mapping sea ice in Labrador Coast. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 11(5): 1419-1432. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[29]Wen C, Sun X, Hou S, Tian J, Dai Y, *Wang C, Li J. 2018. Line structure-based indoor and outdoor integration using backpacked and TLS point cloud data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 15(11): 1790 - 1794. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[30]Xian Yu, Zheng H, Chi Liu, *Huang Y, Ding X. Classify epithelium-stroma in histopathological images based on deep transferable network. Journal of Microscopy. 2018. 271(2): 164-173. (IEEE: SCI/EI, JCR 3区)
[31]Xiao G, Zhou X, Yan Y, *Wang H. 2018. A Two-Step hypergraph reduction based fitting method for unbalanced data. Pattern Recognition Letters. DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2018.11.003. (SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[32]*Zhuang P, Liu Q, Ding X. 2018. Pan-GGF: A probabilistic method for pan-sharpening with gradient domain guided image filtering. Signal Processing. DOI:10.1016/j.sigpro.2018.11.002. (SCI/EI, JCR 3区)
[33]*Zhuang P, Zhu X, *Ding X. 2018. MRI reconstruction with an edge-preserving filtering. Signal Processing. DOI:10.1016/j.sigpro.2018.10.005. (SCI/EI, JCR 3区)
[34]Su L, *Li C. 2018. A novel passive forgery detection algorithm for video region duplication. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. 29:1173–1190. (SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[35]Yang Z, *Wang C, Zhang Z, Li J. 2018. Random Barzilai–Borwein step size for mini-batch algorithms. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 72, 124–135. (SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[36]Huang Y, *Yan Y, Chen S, Wang H. 2018. Expression-targeted feature learning for effective facial expression recognition. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 55, 677-687. (SCI/EI, JCR3区)
[37]Guo G, *Wang H, Yan Y, Zhang L, Li B. 2018. Large margin deep embedding for aesthetic image classification. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s11432-018-9567-8. (SCI/EI, JCR4区)
[38]Luo L, *Zang Y, Wang X, Wang C, Li J, Wu S, Liu Y. 2018. Estimating road widths from remote sensing images. Remote Sensing Letters. 9(9), 819-828. (SCI/EI, JCR4区)
[39]Pirsateh S, Li J, 2018. Developing an algorithm for automated geometric analysis and classification of landslides incorporating LiDAR-derived DEM. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77: 414. (SCI/EI, JCR4区)
[40]Ye C, Chen Y, *Li J, 2018. Investigating the influences of tree coverage and road density on property crime. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 7(3), 101. (SCI/EI, JCR4区)
[1]Lin S, Xiao G, Yan Y, *Wang H, Suter D. Hypergraph optimization for multi-structural geometric model fitting. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2018. (CCF A类)
[2]Sun L, Fan Z, Huang Y, *Ding X, Paisley J. Compressed sensing MRI using a recursive dilated network. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2018. (CCF A类)
[3]Zhong Z, *Li J. Generative adversarial networks and probabilistic graph models for hyperspectral image classification, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New Orleans, Louisiana, 2018. (CCF A类)
[4]Cai S, Huang J, *Zeng D, Ding D, Paisley J. MEnet: A metric expression network for salient object segmentation. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018. (CCF A类)
[5]Chen Y, Wang J,*Li J, *Lu C, Luo Z, Han X, Wang C. LiDAR-video dataset: learning driving policies effectively. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Salt Lake City, Utah USA, 2018. (CCF A类)
[6]Liang Y, Wu Q, Liu Y, Yan Y, *Wang H. Robust correlation filter tracking with shepherded instance-aware proposals. ACM Multimedia (ACM MM). Seoul, Korea, 2018. (CCF A类)
[7]Fan Z, Wu H, Fu X, Huang Y, *Ding X. Residual-guide network for single image deraining. ACM Multimedia (ACM MM), Seoul, Korea, 2018. (CCF A类)
[8]Liu W, Shen H, *Wang C, Zhang Z, Wen C, Li J. H-Net: Neural network for cross-domain image patch matching. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Stockholm, Sweden, 2018. (CCF A类)
[9]Chen L, Fan X, Wang L, Zhang D, Yu Z, Li J, Nguyen T, Pan G, Wang C. RADAR: Road obstacle identification for disaster response leveraging cross-domain urban data. ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (ACM UBICOMP), Singapore, 2018. (CCF A类)
[10]Fu X, Huang J, Zeng D, Huang Y, *Ding X, Paisley J. A segmentation-aware deep fusion network for compressed sensing MRI. IEEE Conference on European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich, Germany, 2018. (CCF B类)
[11]Xing X, Yu Y, Ma M, Huang Y, Zeng D, Ding X, BINDCTNET: A simple binary DCT network for image classification. IEEE International conference on acoustic, speech, and signal processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, 2018. (CCF B类)
[12]Yu X, Xing X, Zheng H, Fu X, *Huang Y, Ding D, Man-made object recognition from underwater optical images using deep learning and transfer learning. IEEE International conference on acoustic, speech, and signal processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, 2018. (CCF B类)
[13]Ding X, Lin Z, He F, Wang Y, *Huang Y, A Deeply-recursive convolutional neural network for crowd counting. IEEE International conference on acoustic, speech, and signal processing (ICASSP), Calgary, Canada, 2018. (CCF B类)
[14]Wu Q, Yan Y, Liang Y, *Wang H. DSNet: Deep and shallow feature learning for efficient visual tracking. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Perth, Australia, 2018. (CCF C类)
[15]Zhuang N, *Yan Y, Chen S, Wang H. Multi-task learning of cascaded CNN for facial attribute classification. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Beijing, China, 2018. (CCF C类)
[16]Y Du, *Yan Y, Chen S, Hua Y, Wang H. object-Adaptive LSTM network for visual tracking. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Beijing, China, 2018. (CCF C类)
[17]Qie C, Guo G, Yan Y, Zhang L, *Wang H. Improved correlation filter tracking with hard negative mining. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Beijing, China, 2018. (CCF C类)
[18]Liao J, Guo G, Yan Y, *Wang H. Multiscale cascaded scene-specifc convolutional neural networks for background subtraction. Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Harbin, China, 2018. (CCF C类)
[19]Du B, Qi Q, Zheng H, *Huang Y, Ding X, Breast cancer histopathological image classification via deep active learning and confidence boosting. ICANN, Rohde Island, Greece, 2018. (CCF C类)
[20]Gong Z, Luo Z, Wang C, *Li J. Semantic modeling of underground parking lots using a LiDAR backpack. International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2018.
[21]Qi Q, Du B, Zheng H, *Huang Y, Ding X, Age estimation from MR images via 3D convolutional neural network and densely connect. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2018.
[22]Chen C, Xie P, *Huang Y, Yu X, Ding X, Weakly-supervised man-made object recognition in underwater optimal image through deep domain adaptation. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2018.
[23]Wu H, Wu Y, Sun L, Cai C, *Huang Y, Ding X, A deep ensemble network for compressed sensing MRI. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2018.
[24]Wang C, Wu Y, Ding X, *Huang Y, Cai C. High efficient reconstruction of single-shot magnetic resonance T2 mapping through overlapping echo detachment and denseNet. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 2018
[25]*Wen C, Xia Y, Dai Y, Tan J, Wang C, Li J. Mobile laser scanning systems for GPS/GNSS-denied environment mapping. ISPRS Achieves, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2018.
[26]Liu Y, *Chen L, Liu L, Wang C, Fan X, Li J. Sensing the urban structure and dynamics with mobility big data. International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC), Hangzhou, China, 2018.
[27]Zhang S, Hong Z, *Chen Y, Kang Z, Luo Z, Li J. An encoding-based back projection algorithm for underground holes detection via ground penetrating radar. 10th IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (PRRS), Beijing, China, 2018.
[28]Lou S, Fan Q, *Chen F, Wang C, Li J. Preliminary investigation on single remote sensing image inpainting through a modified GAN. 10th IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (PRRS), Beijing, China, 2018.
[29]Fan Q, *Chen F, Cheng M, Wang C, Li J. A modified framework for ship detection from compact polarization SAR images. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[30]Zhou G, Liu M, *Liu X, Li J. Combination of crop growth model and radiation transfer model with remote sensing data assimilation for FAPAR estimation. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[31]Wang X, *Zang Y, Wang C, Li J. Rural road networks matching via expanding line. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[32]Zhang S, Kang Z, Hong Z, *Zhang Z, Wang C, Li J. Traffic flow prediction based on cascaded artificial neural network. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[33]Feng Y, *Wen C, Huang P, Wang C, Li J. Health analysis of individual tree in urban environment with combined LiDAR and hyperspectral data. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[34]Wu R, *Chen Y, Wang C, Li J. Estimation of forest trees diameter from terrestrial laser scanning point clouds based on a circle fitting method. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[35]Shen X, *Wang C, Wen C, Liu W, Sun X, Li J. Discriminative learning of point cloud feature descriptors based on Siamese network, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[36]Li Y, Ma L, Huang Y, *Li J. Segment-based traffic sign detection from mobile laser scanning data. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[37]Zhou M, Ma L, Li Y, *Li J. Extraction of building windows from mobile laser scanning point clouds. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[38]Chen M, Gu Y, Liu M, *Li J. Estimating PM 2.5 in British Columbia, Canada before and after wildfires using 3 km MODIS AOD products from February to August 2017. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[39]Ye W, *Li J. A comparison of ice freeboard measurement by ICESAT and ENVISAT altimeters. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[40]*Chen F, Cheng M, Li J, Wang C, Claverie M. A comparison of Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B with preliminary results. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Valencia, Spain, 2018.
[41]*Li J, Ma L, Chen Y, Wang C. 3D point-based high-definition road maps for autonomous driving. FIG Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018.