The Center for Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) at Xiamen University is a newly established research center with more than 20 faculty members and visiting scholars. Currently we have several openings at Assistant/Associate Professor Level. Applicants are invited to apply for the positions, in the areas of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (including Object Detection and Tracking, Object Recognition, Image/Video Analysis, Segmentation, Scene Understanding, Information Fusion, etc.), Machine Learning and related areas.
Applicants should have a doctoral degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related field with a proven publication record in leading journals and top-level conferences. The successful applicant should have strong programming and mathematical skills. The applicant for the Associate Professor position should have 3-years research/working experience or 2-years postdoctoral experience since he/she obtained the Doctorate degree (exception may be considered for applicants with excellent background).
The positions are open now (applications will be accepted until the positions are filled). For consideration, please send your resume to Professor Hanzi Wang (